In 2015, Gazpromneft to double production at Prirazlomnoye field

In 2014, oil production at the Prirazlomnoye field in the Pechora Sea (the reserves make up 72 million tons) was 300 000 tons, Gazpromneft reported yesterday (its subsidiary Gazpromneft Shelf is the operator of the project). "In 2015, we plan to increase the production volumes by more than 2 times as compared with the results of the past year. We were first who started development of mineral resources in the Arctic and managed to prove in practice that the oil production in the region could be safe. Every year, the production at the Prirazlomnoye field will grow, but the issues of industrial and environment safety will always be at the first place for us,"- the press release cites the general director of Gazpromneft Shelf Gennady Lubin.

The production at the field began in December 2013. This was the first project of the oil production in the Russian Arctic. Oil from the Prirazlomnoye field - ARCO (Arctic oil) - is exported. In early January, the four tankers of 70 000 tons was delivered to consumers in the North-West Europe, Gazpromneft reported yesterday. The company doesn’t disclose countries - buyers of this oil.

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