Gazpromneft receives licenses as a gift.

Heysovsk plot located in the Barents Sea has an area of 83.6 thousand square km. Its forecast geological resources are 393.7 million tons of oil, recoverable – 118.100 million tons. Geological resources of the condensate are 32.6 million tons, and the recoverable reserves - 22.8 million tons. Gas resources amount to 2.1 trillion cubic meters. In the summer of 2014 the right to use Heysovsk subsoil of federal significance for exploration and production of hydrocarbons within it belonged to Gazprom, which is the parent company of Gazpromneft. Late last year it was announced that Gazprom will revise this license to Neft-Sakhalin - a subsidiary of Gazpromneft. The situation is similar with the northwestern section, a license for which Gazprom received in September 2014. It is located in the Pechora Sea and has an area of 2.5 square km. The site is located relatively close to the Dolginsk and Prirazlomnoe fields of the company.

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