Sakhalin Energy is about to supply extra LNG to Japan in 2012

Sakhalin Energy, the operator of one of the world’s largest complex oil-and-gas projects Sakhalin-2, maps out to deliver extra LNG to Japan in 2012. “Gazprom export” states about it citing a report on the stable development of the company in 2011.

It is said in a document that there have been sent 34 lots of LNG of a total volume of 2 million tons over the plan after the earthquake in March 2011. 9 lots have been shipped at the expense of over-plan products, while 25 lots have been redirected on by the decision of Gazprom and Shell, principal shareholders of the company.

In 2011, Sakhalin Energy produced almost 10.7 million tons of LNG, the projecedt capacity of the plant makes up 9.6 million tons a year. The company has shipped 163 standard lots of LNG. There were sent 69.5% of the total volume to Japan, and 25.7% - to South Korea.China,Taiwan and Thailand have 2.4%, 1.7% and 0.6% respectively of the total amount of the LNG.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova


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