Does Tajikistan really have large deposits of oil and gas?

The active search for hydrocarbons has begun in Tajikistan. Three foreign companies: Gazprom, CNPC and Total became firmly established at the market. The DW decided to find out what they can calculate on.
Tajikistan is living in conditions of an extreme gas shortage for more than half a year. From January 1st, neighboring Uzbekistan cut supplies of blue fuel to the country. As a result, dozens of large Tajik enterprises suspended their work. A difficult situation arose at an only export-oriented factory – the aluminum company Talko.
But Tajikistan hopes for its own hydrocarbon production in the future. Arrival of two large companies from China and France to the market and geological exploration, held by the Russian Gazprom add the optimism . These surveys should put an end to debates about the presence or absence of gas and oil in the Tajik territory.

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