In the next five years, SOCAR to implement major projects

The construction of a new plant for oil and gas processing and output of petrochemical products in Azerbaijan is the largest project in the next years not only for SOCAR, but also for the whole country, the SOCAR’s Head Rovnag Abdullayev said at the meeting with the President and CEO of the American company Air Product John McGlade yesterday.

According to the report, shared by SOCAR, during the meeting Abdullayev told about projects that are implemented by the State oil company in Turkey, construction of a new shipyard in Azerbaijan, Sumgaiytsk nitrogenous fertilizer plant, a new oil-processing plant in Turkey, extension of the port of petrochemical plant Petkim, as well as about an electric power station, which will be built there.

“Thus, great tasks face SOCAR and its partners in the next 5 years,” -  Abdullayev noted.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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