NNK has a new Novo-Koptevskoe deposit

​The Independent Oil Company (NNK) has discovered a new gas condensate deposit in the Saratov region.

The Novo-Koptevskoe deposit is located within the borders of the Spartakovsky license site in the Saratov region, 20 km off Ershov town.

The area of the site is 1,021 sq km.

According to NNK, the Novo-Koptevskoe deposit has a sufficient potential for the additional loading of capacities of the being constructed complex gas treatment unit Koptevskoe.

The proven gas reserves at the Novo-Koptevskoe deposit are assessed at 420 mln cubic m, recoverable condensate reserves make up 7 thousand tons.

It is planned to put the Novo-Koptevskoe deposit into operation in Q4 2016.

Rosnedra issued a certificate on the fact of discovery of the Novo-Koptevskoe deposit.

The next stage will be the issue of a new license for exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons.

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