Rosgeology has confirmed high oil and gas perspectives of the Aldan lowland in Yakutia

​Rosgeology has confirmed high oil and gas perspectives of the Aldan lowland in Yakutia.

The first stage of research works at the Ust-Maysky well #366 confirmed high oil and gas perspectives of the region where the object is located.

It was drilled by the specialists of NPTs Nedra on the account of federal budget by the state contact signed in April 2012.

The client was the Subsoil Use Management in Yakutia.

In December 2015 the Kama scientific and research institution of complex studied of deep and ultra-deep wells completed the 2nd stage of the laboratory and analytical studies of rocks of the Ust-Maysky well #366.

The well is located in the Ust-Maysky district of Yakutia.

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