By November FTS to present the refined proposals for the gas discount.

The price of gas sold by "Gazprom" in the domestic market is regulated by the Federal Tariff Service. The independent gas producers can deliver gas at not fixed prices and offer the consumers to conclude the contracts at a discount to the price of the FTS.

Before the end of October The Federal Tariff Service will submit the refined proposals in order to provide discounts on gas to the government, Elena Karpel, the head of the department of "Gazprom" on Pricing and Economic Expert, stated during a conference call.

The price of gas sold by "Gazprom" in the domestic market is regulated by the Federal Tariff Service. The independent producers can deliver gas at free prices and offer the consumers to conclude the contracts at a discount to the price of the FTS. In this regard, the share of sales of "Gazprom" in the domestic market began to decrease. In 2013, according to "Gazprom", the independent producers took 28% of the market, increasing the share of their presence from 21% in 2012.

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