Rosneft starts commercial development of the Yuzhno-Uzunskoye site in Yugra

There has been drilled two bore holes, their average daily debit made up 50 tons each.

An affiliate of Rosneft, Nizhnevartovsk oil and gas producing enterprise started industrial drilling at the Yuzhno-Uzunskoye site in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous area-Yugra.

There planned to be drilled 12 development, 5 pressure and one appraisal wells.

Uzunskoye deposit was opened in 1996. OJSC “Nizhnevartovsk oil-and-gas production enterprise” received right for the development of the UIzhno-Uzunskoye subsurface development since 2013. The recoverable resources of the deposit within the frame of the site make up more than 1.5 million tons of oil.

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