Russian oil companies ask the Government to protect them from Saudi Arabian oil

​The oil companies of Russia worry about the appearance of oil from Saudi Arabia in the markets of East-European countries, in particular, Poland.

A representative of Tatneft, N. Rubchenkov, suggested the Ministry of Energy thinking about the risks of changes in the European oil market and reflecting the state measures directed for the saving of positions of Russian oil companies in this region in the Energy strategy until 2035.

Previously I. Sechin said that the appearance of Saudi Arabia oil leads to the price fall in this market. What we see is that Saudi Arabia has entered the market of Poland for the first time with the supplies via Gdansk – runs the dumping policy which is also an element of changing the world prices.

The Ministry of Energy called the Russian companies to keep calm. According to the deputy Minister, A. Yanovsky, the influence of low prices for the East-European markets will be short-term. There is always competition in the market. We speak about oil, oil goes to the oil refinery plants, which initially were projected for a certain oil quality. So it is impossible to instantly replace this oil by another oil without expenditure connected with the modernization of oil refineries. So all this has a limited interval of influence, he said.

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