Gazprom Neft has been issued the maximum delay in development of a deposit

​Rosnedra allowed the company not to start the extraction at the Dolginsky deposit for 16 years.

The extraction was planned to be started in 2019, but now Gazprom Neft has an opportunity to wait until 2031.

Rosnedra explained that the delay is explained by the necessity of the additional geological exploration works.

The operator of the Dolginsky deposit is the affiliate of Gazprom Neft - Gazprom Neft Sakhalin.

The license for the exploration and oil and gas extraction was issued to the company in December 2015.

The validity of the license is 20 years.

The company undertook to drill at least 3 wells and holds 3D seismic exploration at the area of 600 sq km.

The company has held seismic exploration but has drilled only 2 out of 3 wells as yet.

The drilling was unsuccessful.

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