The Ukraine becomes one of the main scrap metal suppliers for Turkey

​In Jan-October 2015 Turkey reduced the import of scrap metal by 18.7% to 13.2 mln tons against Jan-October 2014, in monetary terms-by 40.5% to $3.66 bln, Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) reports.

The import from the USA fell by 9.1% to 2.958 mln tons, from Russia-by 16.1% to 2.068 mln tons while rose from the UK by 3.6% to 1.983 mln tons.

The supplies from the Ukraine grew by 48% to 1.065 thousand tons, from Lithuania – 9.9% to 358.8 thousand tons. The Ukraine lost its status of the 4th largest supplier of secondary raw materials for the metallurgical sector of Turkey being behind Belgium (+10.6% to 1.087 mln tons) but being ahead of the Netherlands (+38.8% to 824.3 mln tons).

In October 2015 the Ukrainian scrap producers reduced the export of ferrous scrap metal to Turkey in annual terms by 18.6% to 71.04 thousand tons while by September the growth made up 61.4%.

In general in October 2015 Turkey reduced the import of scrap metal in annual terms by 26.6% to 1.15 mln tons, in monetary terms- by 55.5% y-o-y to $266.2 mln.

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