In January-May 2016, import of polypropylene in Russia grew by 5%

In the first five months of the current year, the total volume of the polypropylene import in Russia increased by 5% compared to the same period of 2015 and amounted to 64.4 thousand tons. The main increase was in the supply of propylene homopolymer (PP-homo) and propylene block copolymers (PP-block).

Last month, Russian companies increased their purchases of polypropylene on overseas markets, the final rate of the import was close to the level of 15.1 thousand tons compared to 13.8 thousand tons in April. The main increase was in the supply of PP-homo and PP-block. In general, in January – May, Russia imported 64.4 thousand tons of polypropylene against 61.1 thousand tons in the same period a year earlier. The negative supply increase was recorded only in the segment of stat-propylene copolymer (PP-random) and was caused by a serious increase of the domestic production.

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