Vagit Alekperov: We connect prospects with investments in Russian subsoil

President of the largest Russian private oil company Lukoil Vagit Alekperov told the Izvestia’s journalist Irina Kezik about results of exploration work over two past decades and the company's plans.
- This year, the company celebrates the 25th anniversary, during which time Lukoil grew into the largest private oil company. How much did the resource base of the company increase during this time?
- At the time of the company formation in 1991, the resource base of its member companies - Langepasneftegaz, Uraineftegaz, Kogalymneftegas - amounted to about 2 billion tons of fuel equivalent (tons of oil equivalent).
We are proud that during this time we managed to increase the company's reserves four times - to 8 billion tons of oil equivalent. At the same time, the majority falls on Russia - 6.6 billion.

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