Russia. Valunistoye deposit in Chukotka to be put into operation in 2013

The Governor of Chukotka autonomous district, Roman Kopin visited the Valunistoye gold deposit and got acquainted with the work of Rudnik Valunisty LLC.

“Gold mining is the basic component of our region’s economy. We believe,the Valunistoye deposit will be put into full-scale operation next year and provide mining of 2-2.5 tons of gold per year in two years”.

Currently the concentrating factory processing 200 thousand tons of ore per year is put into operation at the deposit. Besides, a stationary comfortable residential development and a diesel power station are built.

The annual productivity of the concentration factory makes up 200 thousand tons of ore, 1.3-1.5 tons of gold and 9-20 tons of silver.

The prospects of the deposit can be widened due to involvement of the Kanchalano-Amguemskaya metallogenic zone in development of the nearby prospective gold and silver objects.

The Valunistoye deposit is situated 237 km to the north of Anadyr.

In June Regiona l Mining Company (the structure of Millhouse Group of the former governor Roman Abramovich) purchased of Rudnik Valunisty LLC from the Chukokta Miners’ Artel LLC.



Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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