Rosneft has announced a tender for reconstruction of Vankor-Purpe oil pipeline

​The total value of the tender is 5.8 bln roubles. According to the tender documentation, it is divided into 6 lots. The results will be summed up on Jan 14th 2016.

Rosneft has announced a tender for the reconstruction of the Vankor deposit- oil pumping station Purpe oil pipeline with the total value of the tender is 5.8 bln roubles.

The value of the 1st lot is 1.355 bln roubles, of the 2nd -1.244 bln roubles, of the 3rd – 801 mln roubles, of the 4th – 1.268 bln roubles, of the 5th – 866 mln roubles, of the 6th -277 ml roubles.

In early August 2015 Rosneft announce a tender for the supply of 19.124 thousand tons of oil and gas pipes and pipes of general purpose to the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area for 3.388 bln roubles for the reconstruction of the Vankor-Purpe oil pipeline.

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