Miners of Maikainzoloto stage a strike in the Pavlodar region

Miners have staged a strike in the Pavlodar region; workers of Maikainzoloto, which operates in the Bajanaul district, made the protest movement.

The miners complained of poor working conditions and demanded an increase their wages. The miners of the Alpys mine went on strike the first, then the protest was supported by workers of the processing plant Maikainzoloto.

"On Friday it became know that eight miners descended into the mine and refused to leave it. They demanded the settlement on supplementary payments, including for hazardous work, and increase of their wages. On the same day, through the negotiations they left the mine in a few hours. On Saturday, their demands were supported by 20 employees of the enterprise", - press secretary of the akim of Pavlodar region Askar Dzhaldinov commented on.

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