UC Rusal starts to repay debts.

The aluminum giant hopes that this year it will no longer repay its loans. The company is negotiating to reschedule the payments on a loan for $ 4.75 billion to 2016

Oleg Deripaska's aluminum company UC Rusal paid off a $ 200 million loan in January 2014, stated the company’s finance director Alexandra Buriko (according to "Interfax"). "Earlier this year we planned to repay approximately $ 200 million pre-export syndicated PXF loan», - Buriko stated.

In early March, UC Rusal bought 73% of the "BrAZ" bonds at 11 billion roubles, and 10 days before the offer UC Rusal announced the new rate on rouble bonds until 2016 - it was raised from 8.3 to 12% per annum. "Some investors left the securities subject to  the repayment terms in 2016", - Buriko stated.

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