1.8 bln roubles to be invested into reconstruction of upper and lower sites of Sheskharis transshipment complex

​The affiliate of Transneft, Chernomortransneft, announced a tender for the execution of 2 stages of the reconstruction of the Sheskharis transshipment complex. Until mid 2018 it is planned to hold the reconstruction of the upper and lower sites of the Sheskharis transshipment complex. The value of works is assessed at 1 bln 865 mln roubles. The Sheskharis transshipment complex is located in Novorossiysk and is the final point of Transneft’s oil pipelines in the Krasnodar region that provide oil pumping from the deposits of the Western Siberia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Transneft announced a tender for the execution of the 2nd stage of works on the realization of the “South” project – construction of the “Volgograd-Tikhoretsk” route oil pipeline and construction of “Tinguta” gas pumping station with the value of 4 bln roubles. The “South” project is one of the strategical infrastructure projects in the energy sector of Russia until 2020. It is meant for the foundation of the pipeline system for the export of Russian light oil products of Euro-5 standard from the Black Sea to Europe and other countries. Oil products transshipment will be held at the piers of the Sheskharis oil base. The capacity of the oil products pipeline is 8.5 mln tons a year.

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