Deputy Chairman of the EC calls on Russia to discuss consequences of refusal from South Stream

The European Commission, puzzled with ultimatum Gazprom’s head Alexei Miller, has called on Russia to take the time with a new project Turkish Stream, and to negotiate first. But the Russian side hasn’t yet confirmed its participation in these meetings, the Ministry of Energy waits for the EU official invitation, RBC daily writes.

The European Commission intends shortly to discuss the Russia's refusal to build South Stream and a new project, called Turkish Stream, the deputy chairman European Commission on the Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič said in an interview with the RBC. "I think that we need to return to this issue. Perhaps, in the working group at the highest level, which will soon discuss the creation of the energy master plan for South-East Europe, especially after the cancellation of the South Stream project, - he said, stressed that the Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak had been invited to participate in the discussion, but hadn’t given any response yet.

There are no meetings with Ministers of South-Eastern Europe on the gas issue in the current schedule of Novak for the next two weeks, said spokesman of the Minister Olga Golant. The exact date, venue and participants are not yet known, said a source in the Ministry of Energy. "It will become clear when the Ministry of Energy receives an invitation from the European Commission (presumably it should be received next week)," - he added.

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