Azerbaijan to burn less APG

​SOCAR has joined the initiative of the World Bank and UN which aims at refusal from APG burning at the oil production sites by 2030.

Besides SOCAR, 9 countries have joined this initiative (Russia, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Gabon, Uzbekistan, Congo, Angola and France), 9 large oil companies (Total, Statoil, Eni, SNH – Cameroon, Petroamazonas EP (Ecuador), Royal Dutch Shell, SNPC, Kuwait Oil Company and BG Group) as well as 4 financial institutions (Eurasia Reconstruction and Development Bank, Asia Development Bank, African Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank).

Large volumes of carbon dioxide are thrown into the air at APG burning in torches. Annually 140 bln cubic m of APG is burnt at oil deposits around the world as a result of which over 300 mln tons of carbon dioxide is thrown into the atmosphere which is equivalent to exhaust fume of 77 mln cars.

It is said that if this volume of APG was used for the generation of electric energy, it would be possible to produce more electric energy than the total consumption in Africa. However, now gas is burnt by various technical, normative and economic reasons and because no particular attention is paid to it.

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