The TMK shareholders elect the new Board of Directors and determine the amount of the dividends.

The meeting of the shareholders voted in favour of the final payment of dividends on the results of TMK in 2013 at a rate of 78 cents per common share with a par value of 10 roubles to the total amount of 731,317,153 roubles 32 kopecks. The total amount of dividends for 2013 subject to the intermediate will be 1.706 roubles.

The TMK Board of Directors consists of the following members: Michael Alexeev, Elena Blagova Andrew Kaplunov, Peter O'Brien, Sergei Papin, Dmitry Pumpyanskiy, Robert Foresman, Igor Khmelevskiy, Alexander Shiryaev, Alexander Shokhin, Oleg Shchegolev.

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