Kazakhstan car dealers correct prices, some have shot down sales

​The official car dealers of Kazakhstan correct their price policy due to a significant devaluation of the national currency.

At the office of Allur Auto (Mitsubishi, SsangYong, Suzuki, IVECO, Geely, Peugeot brands) they said that the company had shut down car sales produced both in Kazakhstan and overseas.

 The sales of Hyundai Auto Almaty have also been stopped.

A representative of Mercur Auto center (Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen) said that the company sells cars of foreign assembly. They said that the price for cars had already been raised but didn’t say by how much.

The manager of “Virazh” center (GAZ, MAZ, UAZ) said that today cars are sold at old prices but without discounts. In future the prices will be raised.

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