Scrap preparation company of ChTPZ “Meta” reports on H1 results

​In H1 2015 the sale of ferrous steel scrap of Meta group (in the structure of ChTPZ) made up 624 thousand tons, by 7% more than in H1 2014 (585 thousand tons). 342 thousand tons is scrap metal of the company’s production, 282 thousand tons – transit scrap metal. The growth of sales volume is connected with the company’s accumulation activity to cover the needs o the production program of the Pervouralsk new pipe plant (in the structure of ChTPZ), the need of which rose by 28% or 99 thousand tons as well as with the optimization of works with external contractors on the purchase of scrap metal.

The best results on the dynamics of development in 2015 were shown by Meta-Perm and Samaravtormet, the sales volumes of which rose by 23% and 12%.

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