Rosneft has paid coupon revenue of 1,196.700 mln roubles

​Rosneft has paid the coupon revenue for the 6th coupon period by bonds of series 07 and 08.

The total volume of payment by bonds made up 1,196.700 mln roubles.

The coupon revenue per bond made up 39.89 roubles at 8.00% per annum.

The bonds with the nominal volume of 30 bln roubles were issued on March 22nd 2013 for 10 years.

The rate of a half-a-year coupon until March 16th 2018 is set at 8.00% per annum.

On December 10th 2014 it was clear that Rosneft made 12 issues of bonds for 800 bln roubles.

The company planned the issue of BO-15 – BO-26 series for 25-175 bln roubles for 6 years with the nominal of 1 thousand roubles.

On December 11th 2015 Rosneft paid the coupon revenue by 14 issues of bonds.

The total volume of payment by bonds made up 26 bln 715.500 mln roubles.

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