Sibur Holding receives applications by bonds of series 10 on March 22nd

​Sibur Holding pans to collect applications by bonds of series 10 on March 22nd.

The emission volume of series 10 is 10 bln roubles. The period of circulation of papers is 10 years from the date of issue. The papers have 6-month coupons (182 days). The nominal value of bonds is 1,000 roubles. The price of the issue is 100% of the nominal value.

The approximate coupon rate is 10.75-11% per annum that corresponds to the profitability of 11.04%-11.3% per annum. The offer in 5 years from the start of issue is presupposed at the price of 100% of the nominal value.

The approximate date of the start of the issue is March 29th.

The organizers of the issue are Gazprombank, Rosbank, Sberbank CIB and UniCredit Bank.

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