“Reed Oil-Perm” gains the right to develop the Belyaevsky oil deposit

​“Reed Oil-Perm” has gained the right to develop the Belyaevsky oil deposit in the Ohansky district of the Perm region. The results of the respective auction on June 20th were approved by the Department for Subsoil Use in the Volga federal district (Privolzhsknedra).

The auction was held on June 15th. 4 companies participated in it: “Reed Oil-Perm” Ltd, NIPPPPD Nedra Ltd, ENES Ltd, UNS JSC. At the start-up price of 17.2 mln roubles the winner offered the maximum price of 22.4 mln roubles.

The agreement is signed for 20 years. The area of the site is 21.3 sq km, reserves – 257 thousand tons, preliminarily assessed reserves- about 1.5 mln tons of oil.

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