Rosneft is headliner of SPIEF

We should note a positive reaction of experts to report of Rosneft’s head Igor Sechin and contracts, signed by the oil company. It is no coincidence that Rosneft was an absolute favorite in media’s citedness, and the company's shares showed good growth on the news from the forum - they grew in price by 4%.

Summit of energy companies

All the experts, of course, called the statement of the Russian President Vladimir Putin the main speech at the summit. During his speech, he said the key phrase that Russia was open to foreign investment. At the same time, investors also show a genuine interest in the Russian oil sector, or the fact that Rosneft gathered at the summit the world market flagships, the total capitalization of which is several trillion dollars, can’t be explained. Heads of such companies as ExxonMobil, BP, Total, Eni, Trafigura, Vitol, Glencore were among them.

Basic report was presented by Igor Sechin. Analyzing mechanisms and pricing factors on the oil market, the head of Rosneft said that we can count on a smooth growth of raw material prices in the near future. Moreover, this conclusion was supported by authoritative experts.

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