Belarus increased its oil imports by 2.9% to 15.4 mln tons in Jan-August 2015

​Jan-August 2015 Belarus increased crude oil import by 2.9% against Jan-August 2014 to 15.4 mln tons.

Oil for $4,083 mln was purchased in Jan-August 2015. This is 70.9% of the amount paid by Belarus for imported oil in Jan-August 2014. The average price per ton of oil made up $265.7, in Jan-August 2014 - $385.4. The entire oil volume was imported from Russia.

791 thousand tons of oil products were imported in Jan-August 2015 (by 4 times more than in Jan-August 2014) for the total amount of $282.2 mln. The average import price was $356.6/ton against $863.9 in Jan-August 2014. The stake of Russia in the import of oil products was almost 98%.

Belarus exported almost 1.1 mln tons of oil in Jan-August 2015, by 0.9% less than in Jan-August 2014. The value of the exported is almost $417 mln (by almost twice less). Oil was shipped to Germany only.

Moreover, Belarus exported 11,430 thousand tons of oil products to the external markets (by 20.3% more) for $4,947.7 mln (in Jan-August 2014 - $7,181.4 mln). The largest volumes were shipped to the UK (52% of the export of oil products), the Ukraine (17%) and the Netherlands (12%).

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