Transneft suggested amendments in the provisions in the sphere of tariff making

​Transneft suggested making a number of changes into the normative and legal acts, in particular, in the sphere of tariff making, the deputy Vice-President of Transneft, head of the department for economy, P. Serikov, said.

He reminded that the main document for regulation in this sphere is the law “On natural monopolies”.

“The second level of normative acts divided 2 spheres and the lists of services separately for the transportation of oil and oil products were formulated. In this connection the regulation body introduced a rule that the income made from one type of activity can’t be directed on financing of another type of activity, it is treated as improper use of funds”, he said.

The third level is guidelines separately for oil and oil products. According to Mr. Serikov, these 3 levels of documents confront with each other and that causes the necessity to make changes.

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