Transneft states refusal of tankers to collect oil at the port of Makhachkala

​According to the official representative of Transneft, I. Demin, the delay from the schedule this month makes up 49 thousand tons at the port of Makhachkala.

Consignors redirect tankers instead of the port of Makhachkala to other ports to accept oil, I. Demin said.

There is a working weather at all ports, he said. The shipment is held by the schedule.

He added that as of today there is a 49 thousand tons delay from the schedule at the port of Makhachkala (total plan or June is 217 thousand tons).

The delay is connected with not coming of tankers, their redirection by consignors to the other ports in the Caspian Sea. The main reason is the increase of actual loss at oil acceptation into reservoirs of Dagnefteprodukt from the maximum possible rates by 7 times, he said.

The head of Transneft, N. Tokarev, said that the Makhachkala port might be closed for oil shipment. The partners of the company in Kazakhstan notified of the planned gradual reduction of transshipment volumes via the Caspian to Makhachkala.

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