Intergeo gets right for the use of the Verchnekingashskoye deposit

The Kingashskaya ore mining company (Kingashskaya GRK, part of Intergeo) has got the rights for the use of the mineral resources of federal importance, inclusive of the Verchnekingashskoye copper-nickel deposit (Krasnoyarsk region).

Kingashskaya GRK introduced certificate from Rosnedra, dated March 6th, 2014, establishing facts of the opening of the Verchnekingashskoye deposit, the expert findings on the results of the assessment with the calculation of mineral reserves.

On these grounds the company filed an application to gain the right to use the deposit.

Under the subsoil legislation, the subsurface users, who get licenses on that basis, pay out a one-time payment. It makes up 108.99 million roubles as of March 31st, 2014.

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