Polymetal analyzes variants for concentrates transporting

Polymetal analyzes several variants for concentrates transport from the Magadan region to Kazakhstan and Scandinavia, the CEO of Polymetal Trade House Ltd D. Igumnov reports. However the Finnish and the Swedish sides aren’t ready as yet to work with their dumpcars. They suggest delivery by sea, so Polymetal trys to meet the problem of transport via the Finnish and Bothnia Gulfs that aren’t navigable during some periods. Railway is more predictable. They should only decide how to re-load the cargo from dumpcars to European standard cars.

Concentrate transport from the Mayskoye deposit at Chukotka to the Amur ore-dressing combine is important as well. Expenditure could be considerably reduced by the transition from 1.5-2 tons big bags to 14 tons big bags. Such technologies are used in Finland and in Russia they are used by Norilsk Nickel, for example.

In 2010 the company is going to produce 13.8 tons of gold and 583 tons of silver.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya

Source: http://gold.prime-tass.ru/show.asp?id=20266

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