If BP settles its problems then Rosneft will analyze new variants for operation in the Arctic area

If BP settles its problems with BP-TNK shareholders then Rosneft will analyze new variants for operation with it in the Arctic area, the acting Chairman of Rosneft Board A. Nekipelov reports. He emphasizes that the companies did and will cooperate. He says that Rosneft won’t make the same mistake for the second time and won’t wait. The Arctic project is one of the most priority for Rosneft and the company will continue the work in the sphere. It has other offers for cooperation and for joint development of the Arctic shelf from Chevron, CNPC, ExxonMobile and Shell.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya

Source: http://www.geonews.com.ua/index.cgi?a=41350

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