Gazprom has sold the shares of the Lithuanian Amber Grid and Lietuvos Dujos

On June 19th, Gazprom ceased participation in the Lithuanian companies Amber Grid and Lietuvos Dujos, in particular 37.06% in Lietuvos Dujos (or 107,734,925 stocks), and 37.06% in Amber Grid (or 66,112,761 stocks).

On June 3rd, the Deputy Chairman of Gazprom A. Medvedev claimed that Gazprom began analyzing the offers of the Lithuanian side on the purchase of Gazprom’s shareholding in Amber Grid and Lietuvos Dujos by the Lithuanian Government.

They reported before that the Lithuanian state company Epso-G that bought out the shareholding of E.ON Ruhrgas in Amber Grid and is ready to buy out the shareholding of Gazprom. The offer on buying out by Euro 0.762 per stock within June 2-16th. Another Lithuanian state company Lietuvos energija made the offer for buying out of the stocks of Lietuvos Dujos by Euro 0.653.

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