Metalloinvest has shipped rolled products for “Pobeda” bridge over Nadym river

​“Ural Steel” of Metalloinvest has shipped metal rolled products in full volume for the construction of the “Pobeda” bridge over the Nadym river which connects the Yamal peninsula with the center of Russia and Ural.

The bridge consists of 12 frameworks, its width is 10 m, length – 1,334 m. the total volume of the shipped by “Ural Steel” rolled products made up 7,500 tons. A particular feature of the bridge is the combination of the car and railroad parts. Currently the car part has been put into operation which is meant for 3,000 cars a day. It is planned to construct rails at the bridge.

The bridge over the Nadym river is the key part of the project presupposing the construction of a network of roads and railroads with the length of over 700 km which after realization will provide a constant connection of Yamal with other regions and connect the Northern and Sverdlovsk railroads.

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