TMK is planned to be sold to Yakutia

The amount of the deal might make up 6 bln roubles.

TMK CJSC might be sold for 6 bln roubles. The conditions of the deal were discussed on September 20th. A source close to the management of TMK said that a potential buyer is from Yakutia.

Now the discussion concerns if TMK will be sold with its debts or without them, is reported. Separate negotiations on the sale of equipment of TMK are held. The equipment from Primorie is likely to go to the Crimea.

Now the bankruptcy procedure is held at TMK. If it is proved bankrupt, all debts will automatically be cancelled. The value of the enterprise will seriously fall. Currently the debts of TMK reach 100 mln roubles.

The criminal case in respect of TMK CJSC was initiated in March 2015. The total debt of the company before its employees reached 60 mln roubles.

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