Poroshenko and Merkel coordinate the position on the gas issue with Russia.

Petr Poroshenko, the President of the Ukraine, during the telephone consultations with German Chancellor Angela Merkel coordinated their positions for further discussion of the gas issue with Russia, the website of the Ukrainian president informed on Thursday.

"The President and German Chancellor discussed the results of the consultations between the Ukraine, Russia and the EU on gas and coordinated the position to continue the discussion on this issue on October 29th", - the statement informs.

Also, the two leaders discussed the situation in the Donesk Basin, in particular, the state of the Minsk protocol and Minsk memorandum implementation prior to the meeting of the European Council, held in Brussels on October23rd-24th.

Earlier the Ukraine planned to start the heating season in November this year, but later decided to start it on Wednesday, October 22.

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