Volume of gas extraction at South-Russky deposit reached 200 bln cubic m

​Severneftegazprom, JV of Gazprom, BASF and E.ON, extracted 200 bln cubic m  of gas at the South-Russky oil and gas condensate deposit in the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area.

The company sets a goal to realize the project of industrial development of the Turon gas layers of the South-Russky deposit.

It is expected to put into operation the 1st start-up complex in 2021.

Gas extraction of the Turon gas bed referred to scavenger reserves started in 2012 at the South-Russky oil and gas condensate deposit.

In October 2014 in the framework of the experimental and industrial development of the Turon gas bed the company launched another operational well.

In December 2015 the 2nd stage of the booster compressor shop #1 was put into industrial operation at the field.

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