Novatek is interested in Iran

Novatek has been interested in participating in LNG project in Iran, said the company’s head Leonid Michelson. According to analysts, for Novatek, which is under US sanctions, Iran is one of the few promising options, especially since the current strategic partner of Novatek the French company Total is going to return in the country.

Novatek has been interested in the development of the South Pars field in Iran and construction of a gas liquefaction plant on its base, the company’s CEO Leonid Michelson stated. A week ago, international sanctions were lifted from Iran, including those that prohibited investment in hydrocarbon production projects. Before imposing the sanctions the current strategic partner of Novatek Total worked in Iran, it was going to build an LNG plant with Malaysia's Petronas on the basis of the South Pars field with capacity of 10 million tons. Total’s representatives have repeatedly stated that they intend to return to this project. Leonid Michelson evaded the answer for the question if Novatek was going to cooperate with Total in Iran too, said that "there is nothing to comment on for a while".

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