European division of NLMK to increase sales by 12%

​At the enterprises of the division “NLMK Europe plate” it is planned to increase the sales by 12% to 1.27 mln tons in 2016 against 2015.

The growth of sales is planned on the background of active marketing in the new and traditional markets, as well as optimization of production, by means of which the division saved about 30 mln euro for the past 3 years, the head of the division, I. Sarkits, said.

According to him, the investment into the development and maintenance of capacities in Denmark will make up 6.5 mln euro, Belgium-4.5 mln euro, Italy-5 mln euro.

The rolling plants of NLMK in Europe work on the raw materials from Russia. About 30% o the entire production of slabs of NLMK goes for processing to the affiliates overseas, including 10% to the plants in the USA and 20% in Europe.

The stake of NLMK in the plates market in the EU makes up about 11%. About 20-25% of the revenue of the division in physical terms provides about 50% of the total revenue.

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