Chancellor of Germany : Partnership between Russia and Germany is to remain, but Germany does not intend to to buy more gas than before

The partnership between Russia and Germany in the field of gas supplies will continue, but Germany does not intend to to buy more gas than before, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Our long term goal is to still get energy from renewable sources, in addition, we want to achieve great results due to energy savings,  said Merkel in an interview to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" published on Monday.

According to the Chancellor, the impression that was formed after the government consultation in Hanover seems that Germany has not shown much interest in the deepening of Russian-German cooperation in the field of gas supply, she does not share.

I only said that our long-term goal is to save 80% of CO2 emissions from 1990 levels. Energy sources should be replaced step by step, even if they will be used more from time to time, explained the Chancellor.

Merkel stressed that Russia is a reliable and good partner of Germany in the gas sector, but not the only one: I thought that we were expected announcements that now we will need incredibly more gas. I wanted to correct this impression .

FRG leader is confident that the partnership will develop and that Russian companies will try harder to try to enter the German market.

She recalled that the pipeline Nord Stream will be put into service this year.

I'm just against to just lay new pipes and build new pipelines. First, we need to accurately analyze all this, said the chancellor of Germany. 



Translated by: Anastasia Edrenkina

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