In 2017, China intends to implement project on refining of 5 million tons of Russian oil

The implementation of the Russian-Chinese project Amur on refining and transportation of oil products is scheduled for 2017. It is expected that the volume of the transportation will make up 5 million tons per year.

"Our efforts are focused on the import of electricity and oil products. We will build a refinery in the Amur region. This project has already been ratified by the government authorities of both countries," – Heihe’s mayor, Gian Enlyan said during the presentation.

According to the ITAR-TASS, it is planned that deep processing of oil products will be carried out in China. Investment into the integrated project from the Chinese side is 7.76 billion yuans (48.5 billion rubles). Significant importance in the development of the Russian-Chinese economic relations is entrusted to Heihe (China) and Blagoveshchensk (Russia), which are separated by the river Amur.

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