Gazprom calls price of Sakhalin gas

Gazprom asks the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) to approve sale of gas from the new Kirinskoye field on Sakhalin’s shelf to Russian consumers at the price that is almost 2 times more than the average Russian level. Otherwise, the production from the field is expected to be unprofitable, the gas monopoly warns. But the FTS finds the arguments of Gazprom inconclusive.

As an official of the FTS told the RBC, in September chief of the Gazprom’s Department of Economic Appraisal, Elena Karpel wrote a letter to the head of the Federal Tariff Service Sergei Novikov with a request to agree the price of gas from the Kirinskoye field of Gazprom for the needs of the domestic market in the amount of 4000 rubles per 1 thousand cubic meters at the well. As the official explained, a tariff for transportation from the well to the gas distribution station, as well as via local gas pipelines will be added to the this price - as a result, gas will rise in price by about 40% more for the end consumer. A source in Gazprom confirmed the estimated price of gas for the Kirinskoye field, specified in the letter, and calculated that the final cost of gas for consumers will be at 6500-7000 rubles per 1 thousand cubic meters. According to the Gazprom’s report, in the first quarter of 2014, the average price of gas for consumers in Russia amounted to 3 534.8 rubles per 1 thousand cubic meters.

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