NMZ develops trial raw material processing

A full-scale industrial test on the prospective raw-material processing in flash smelting furnace No2 at the Nadezhdinskoye metallurgical plant (NMZ) of the Zapolyarny branch of Norilsk Nickel is successfully over.

The plant will start processing the raw material from 2016. Within the framework of the development strategy of the company the melting capacity of the plant will be directed from the Nickel plant to the Nadezhdinskoye metallurgical plant in one of these days.

The second technological line of NMZ processed more than 3.5 thousand tons of trial raw material a day during the industrial test. There was modeled furnace burden for a while, which will comprise the following components since 2016. They are nickel concentrate from the Norilsk processing plant and Talnakhsky processing plant, the crushed nickel slag of the Copper plant and autoclave sulphide concentrate, produced from pyrrhotite concentrate at NMZ.

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