Teheran has signed an oil agreement with Beijing and pressurizes Russia in the Chinese market

​On Jan 23rd a meeting of the President of Iran, Kh. Roukhani and China, Xi Jinping, was held in Teheran. 17 agreements were signed at the summit, including on the long-term Iranian oil supply to China. Mr. Roukhani called the meeting to be the start of a new epoch in the relationships between 2 countries.

Xi Jinping became the first leader who visited Iran after the cancellation of sanctions. It means that Beijing pays particular attention to the partnership with Teheran, including in the sphere of energy – an agreement on the construction of 2 nuclear power plants in the south of Iran was signed at the meeting. Previously Russia intended for this contract.

On Jan 16 the sanctions were cancelled against Teheran.

Previously Hellenic Petroleum (Greece) and NIOC (Iran) announced of signing a long-term oil supply agreement.

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