Evraz to redeem its Eurobonds and securities of Raspadskaya fro $184.4 million

Evraz will allocate $184.426 million for the early redemption of the company's Eurobonds, the repayment of which is to be held in 2017 and 2018 as well as the securities of Raspadskaya, maturing in 2017, Evraz informs.

In particular, the company will buy its bonds maturing in April 2017 for $15.735 million. The papers will be redeemed at the price of $1.05 thousand per piece at a nominal price of $1 thousand. As a result of the redemption, bonds for $249.512 million will remain in circulation. The shares for $600 million were issued in April 2012, the rate was 7.4%.

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