Italian INTESA is interested in the financing of “Nord Stream-2”

Italian Intesa Sanpaolo plans to take part in the financing of “Nord Stream-2” gas pipeline project. Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Bank Intesa”, Russian-based subsidiary, A.Falliko said, RIA Novosti reports.

“We are ready to finance new bilateral projects of Gazprom. Besides, we plan to take part in “Nord Stream-2”, Falliko said.

According to him, Intesa Sanpaolo is also interested in participation in the next placement of Eurobonds by Gazprom. Answering the question about its volume, Falliko said: “We map out a meeting next month. The plans of Gazprom might become clear during the meeting.” He is confident that the securities of the Russian gas holding can arouse interest of the European investors.

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