Over the first 26 days of October, Gazprom increases gas export to Europe by 40.6% to 12.3 billion cubic meters

Over the first 26 days of October, Gazprom increased its gas exports to Europe by 40.6% to 12.3 billion cubic meters. The company increased its daily production in October to record levels, the company’s CEO Alexei Miller told reporters.

"Gazprom responded quickly to the sharp increase in the consumer demand for gas at the beginning of the heating season. In a short time, the company increased its daily production by 1.5 times and set an absolute record - on October 22nd we produced 1.556 billion cubic meters of gas," - he said.

Miller noted that this was the highest rate of the daily production in October in the company's history. In terms of year it makes up 568 billion cubic meters.

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