Potanin: Interest of investors in Norilsk Nickel is high

The difficult economic situation in the country and the world makes many companies introduce the savings mode. How does Norilsk Nickel the largest metallurgical company in Russia and a major world mining player feel today in these difficult conditions? This was asked of the president of the company Vladimir Potanin.

"The industry, in which our company operates, is now in a difficult situation. For the first time, perhaps, for the last twenty years, the situation in the industry reached the point, when 60% of manufacturers work at below their prime cost. That is, at a loss. But since Norilsk Nickel is the company with the lowest cost, its condition favourably differs from many companies in the industry. It is stable, there are good financial and economic results, - said Potanin. - In order to achieve such high production and financial performances Norilsk Nickel got rid of almost all of its foreign assets and focused exclusively on first-class Russian assets. But, as Vladimir Potanin noted, "being such a company, in fact, Russian one, at the same time, we are a global company. That is the sales market for us is not Russia, but the whole world. For us the stability on the market of our products is very important".

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